Fidelity Investments

We help over ~40 million people feel more confident in their most important financial goals, manage employee benefit programs for nearly 23,000 businesses, and support more than 3,600 advisory firms* with innovative investment and technology solutions to grow their businesses.

Fidelity investments

Who we are

Privately held for nearly 70 years, we’ve always believed by providing investors with access to the information and expertise, we can help them achieve better results. 

That’s been our approach- innovative yet personal, compassionate yet responsible, grounded by a tireless work ethic—it is the heart of the Fidelity way.  

Our education benefits

  • Student Loan Repayment
    Fidelity helps you get a step ahead by paying down your loans so you can save on interest, with up to $15K in contributions.

  • Tuition Reimbursement
    We also offer tuition reimbursement for our employees.  

Fidelity's student loan assistance program